
I asked ChatGPT to write a sarcastic guide how to step up the career ladder

I asked ChatGPT for a sarcastically funny guide on how to make it to the top professionally. This is what came out of it. The line between humor and reality seems very thin to me here: Resume Inflation: First things first, your resume should look like a work of fiction. If you've never actually led a team, just say you've “spearheaded synergistic cross-functional endeavors” or “orchestrated paradigm-shifting brainstorm sessions.” Who's going to fact-check that nonsense? Dress to Impress: Forget comfort; you need to look like you've just walked out of a James Bond movie. So, don a power suit that's so tight you can barely breathe. You want your clothes to scream, “I'm the boss, and I can't move my arms!” Kiss Up, Kick Down: Show unwavering loyalty to the higher-ups while treating your subordinates like disposable coffee cups. Remember, true leadership means having a revolving door of employees who…

I asked ChatGPT for a sarcastically funny guide on how to make it to the top professionally. This is what came out of it. The line between humor and reality seems very thin to me here:

  1. Resume Inflation: First things first, your resume should look like a work of fiction. If you've never actually led a team, just say you've “spearheaded synergistic cross-functional endeavors” or “orchestrated paradigm-shifting brainstorm sessions.” Who's going to fact-check that nonsense?
  2. Dress to Impress: Forget comfort; you need to look like you've just walked out of a James Bond movie. So, don a power suit that's so tight you can barely breathe. You want your clothes to scream, “I'm the boss, and I can't move my arms!”
  3. Kiss Up, Kick Down: Show unwavering loyalty to the higher-ups while treating your subordinates like disposable coffee cups. Remember, true leadership means having a revolving door of employees who can't wait to escape your reign of terror.
  4. Corporate Buzzword Bingo: At meetings, play a little game of corporate buzzword bingo. The more jargon you cram into a sentence, the more points you score. And if anyone dares to ask for a translation, roll your eyes and mutter, “You just don't get it.”
  5. Blame the IT Department: Every time your computer crashes or the printer jams, make sure to blame the IT department loudly and publicly. It's not your fault you can't figure out how to turn on a computer; it's theirs!
  6. Fancy Office Gadgets: Deck out your office with all the latest gadgets and gizmos. Even if you have no clue how to use them, they'll make you look super important. Your desk should resemble the cockpit of a spaceship.
  7. “Reply All” Rampage: Flood your colleagues' inboxes with “reply all” emails. Share irrelevant memes, cat videos, and your weekend brunch photos with the whole company. They'll love you for it.
  8. Meetings Galore: Schedule endless meetings, even if they could easily be summed up in a two-sentence email. It's a great way to assert your dominance and waste everyone's time.
  9. Inspirational Posters: Decorate your office with inspirational posters that offer profound wisdom, like “Teamwork makes the dream work” or “Success is 1% inspiration and 99% stealing credit.” Just kidding, don't use that last one… or do, your choice.
  10. Ignore Feedback: When your team offers constructive criticism, simply pretend you can't hear them or that their words are the incoherent babblings of mere mortals. Who needs improvement when you're already perfect?

Remember, it's not about competence; it's about the appearance of competence. So go forth, my future corporate overlord, and may your path to the executive suite be paved with absurdity, arrogance, and a healthy dose of sarcasm!

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