
I bite my tongue because of the hypocrisy in the work environment. How do you do it?

Hi, English is not my first language. I hate being an employee. I was a freelancer but as I need to buy an apartment, a “permanent” contract is needed. I am in trial period until tomorrow. We are under staffed, management recently opened 6 positions in one day after 3 burn out but not a lot of people accept the offer because of how low they pay. Colleague explained to me how she cried on her way home one day and people were helping on the bus. I need to stay 2 years in total for my project. Last week, a client asked me to do a task for an event end of June. As you can imagine, I have the same work to deliver on events BEFORE this one for the same client (doesn't even make sense). So, I said no problem, will do for next Wednesday ( knowing…


English is not my first language.

I hate being an employee. I was a freelancer but as I need to buy an apartment, a “permanent” contract is needed. I am in trial period until tomorrow.

We are under staffed, management recently opened 6 positions in one day after 3 burn out but not a lot of people accept the offer because of how low they pay. Colleague explained to me how she cried on her way home one day and people were helping on the bus.

I need to stay 2 years in total for my project.

Last week, a client asked me to do a task for an event end of June.

As you can imagine, I have the same work to deliver on events BEFORE this one for the same client (doesn't even make sense).

So, I said no problem, will do for next Wednesday ( knowing the week she contacted me, we had 2 bank holidays + the week end).

My boss saw that and said no, I should do it and they will send me someone to help.

They found someone on Tuesday, I briefed her, she sent me the first help today…(If you have followed, that was the day I said I was able to deliver to the client).

Now, today during a meeting with like 40 people, the boss said

“We have to use common sense and psychology sometimes.

If you feel like a client can't wait, don't offer them to deliver next week. Call us, and we will find a ressource which can help you and deliver when the client request it.

We are here to help and support you, we were able to solve the problem instead of saying no to the client”.

Jesus Christ. I never had so much self control in my life. I was repeating myself “wait until tomorrow, wait until tomorrow…”.

I wanted to scream girl WHICH HELP???? I delivered exactly the day I said I was going to deliver because NO ONE could help me you didn't solve anything.

Someone replies “well then, I need support”.

Boss looks at all of us and says “can someone please raise their hand to help her”?

Boy. The silence.

We were like ??? 🤔🤔🤔 We are trying to survive actually madam.

And then, she will say proudly how she supports her team and find solution.

Next time, I will thank her for the solution. And then ask her if she could come back to me with a good one.

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