
I brought up in a Facebook post of never imagining going back to work when I retire, or rather IF I retire…

And I did not expect so much backlash. Aside from not using reading comprehension and accusing me of dismissing their financial situations, they also said “work brings meaning.” “You're too young to understand.” “Wait til you get old and all your friends die. You'll need something to do and people to talk to.” As if work is the only thing that can do any of that, not to mention dismissing that I may not even have the privilege of getting the choice to retire. It just made me sad on how the work mindset has poisoned our minds beyond needing it for money.

And I did not expect so much backlash. Aside from not using reading comprehension and accusing me of dismissing their financial situations, they also said “work brings meaning.” “You're too young to understand.” “Wait til you get old and all your friends die. You'll need something to do and people to talk to.” As if work is the only thing that can do any of that, not to mention dismissing that I may not even have the privilege of getting the choice to retire. It just made me sad on how the work mindset has poisoned our minds beyond needing it for money.

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