
I called out sick and am looking for support

I called out sick. Because I’m sick. Don’t even know if it’s Covid yet. We are short staffed at my work, and my manager told me he’s sick this morning. I texted him and said i am staying home tomorrow cause I’m sick. He replied “are you serious”, i replied “do you want me to come in sick” , he said “nope” I am the bottom of the barrel at this job , near minimum wage, no tips, etc. So i don’t feel any sort of responsibility of solving the problems that have been caused by us being short staffed. Additional context that is definitely relevant: I just got back from about a month of Wildland Firefighting, when i get called to go out on a fire call, i get about 12 hours notice usually. So yea I’ve been gone while we’ve been short staffed, which is where the “are…

I called out sick. Because I’m sick. Don’t even know if it’s Covid yet. We are short staffed at my work, and my manager told me he’s sick this morning. I texted him and said i am staying home tomorrow cause I’m sick. He replied “are you serious”, i replied “do you want me to come in sick” , he said “nope”
I am the bottom of the barrel at this job , near minimum wage, no tips, etc. So i don’t feel any sort of responsibility of solving the problems that have been caused by us being short staffed.

Additional context that is definitely relevant: I just got back from about a month of Wildland Firefighting, when i get called to go out on a fire call, i get about 12 hours notice usually. So yea I’ve been gone while we’ve been short staffed, which is where the “are you serious” reply comes from. I told this job from the start that i do Wildland Firefighting.

Anyways just came to vent , thanks

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