
I can’t do this any more

Every day, 8 hours is spent working, trying to please multiple people so I have a paycheck. If those people are grumpy or otherwise out of sorts, I’m at risk of being fired. They don’t need a reason to fire me. They don’t need to give me an opportunity to improve. They don’t need to give me a warning. They can just terminate me whenever they want to. It’s gotten to the point where I can barely eat or sleep and am crying multiple times every day. I’m not even making a very good living at this job, it isn’t fulfilling, and I’m too old to figure out something that is and do a career shift. It all seems so unfair and I’m utterly disempowered and exhausted at the end of every day. I could get a different job, but it would be the same thing. When the people I…

Every day, 8 hours is spent working, trying to please multiple people so I have a paycheck. If those people are grumpy or otherwise out of sorts, I’m at risk of being fired.

They don’t need a reason to fire me.

They don’t need to give me an opportunity to improve.

They don’t need to give me a warning.

They can just terminate me whenever they want to.

It’s gotten to the point where I can barely eat or sleep and am crying multiple times every day. I’m not even making a very good living at this job, it isn’t fulfilling, and I’m too old to figure out something that is and do a career shift.

It all seems so unfair and I’m utterly disempowered and exhausted at the end of every day.

I could get a different job, but it would be the same thing. When the people I report to are happy and not stressed, my job is safe. As soon as they’re stressed and/or unhappy I have to be afraid of losing my apartment, of not being able to eat, of becoming homeless and having to rehome my dog.

I don’t see how i can do another 20+ years like this, always waiting for the other shoe to drop but I don’t have a way out either.

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