
I can’t do this anymore (vent)

Hey everyone, 23 F here. Starting to have a big wake up call at how much I'm working my life away. I'm neurodivergent and suspected on the spectrum with depression. I'm exhausted, mentally, physically and I'm just very angry at the world. I just finished 7 days straight with one day off, now I'm back at work. I'm getting so tired of working, and for what??? More exhaustion, depression and disappointment? For reference I work in retail and I'm hoping to get back to school to start a career but I'm so angry at this capitalism bs. All we do is work and work and work for shitty pays. I live in Ontario Canada and the economy disgusts me. I make $17/hr right now and I feel so underappreciated, exploited and overworked. Is this all life is? Being an adult is the most difficult thing in my life right now.…

Hey everyone, 23 F here. Starting to have a big wake up call at how much I'm working my life away.

I'm neurodivergent and suspected on the spectrum with depression. I'm exhausted, mentally, physically and I'm just very angry at the world. I just finished 7 days straight with one day off, now I'm back at work. I'm getting so tired of working, and for what??? More exhaustion, depression and disappointment? For reference I work in retail and I'm hoping to get back to school to start a career but I'm so angry at this capitalism bs. All we do is work and work and work for shitty pays. I live in Ontario Canada and the economy disgusts me. I make $17/hr right now and I feel so underappreciated, exploited and overworked.

Is this all life is? Being an adult is the most difficult thing in my life right now. I'm trying so hard with no avail. I've tried talking to others about this but it seems like I'm the only one who's just really angry and frustrated. This doesn't feel normal and healthy at all. I know I should get out of my job but I'm going to start over at a new job and get just as disappointed.

I guess the cycle continues. My life doesn't feel like it has a purpose anymore besides working and being depressed

Thank you for listening to my rant.

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