
I can’t do this. In 3 years I’m escaping the rat race, permanently.

I know I know, yet another person venting and “doesn’t want to work” and yes, America you’re RIGHT! I DONT WANT TO WORK! There I said it!!!!! I would consider myself very lucky to have the job I have as I work in an office by myself and watch Netflix or YouTube movies all day unless someone comes by to make a payment or calls over the phone to make a payment. Packages for the company get delivered to my office so I occasionally have to communicate with coworkers on that level but other than that, my coworkers do not step foot in my office and I love that for me. There is NO NEED for me to physically come to work as my job can be done 100% remote. I know it can done because I work one day a week from home. The “benefits”: NON-MICROMANAGEMENT 🥳 STD Life…

I know I know, yet another person venting and “doesn’t want to work” and yes, America you’re RIGHT!


There I said it!!!!!

I would consider myself very lucky to have the job I have as I work in an office by myself and watch Netflix or YouTube movies all day unless someone comes by to make a payment or calls over the phone to make a payment. Packages for the company get delivered to my office so I occasionally have to communicate with coworkers on that level
but other than that, my coworkers do not step foot in my office and I love that for me.

There is NO NEED for me to physically come to work as my job can be done 100% remote. I know it can done because I work one day a week from home.

The “benefits”:
Off early every Friday
Off for a week in December and November
No weekends
Sick Leave
Annual Leave
Continuing Education Leave
***many others that I declined because I need money to pay my bills.

The cons:
Non-profit organization—that should tell you everything else that you need to know.

I accepted this job to pay off some old debt. After it is paid, I want to resign. I liked my life far better when I was a full time freelancer with 0 benefits. I don’t care anymore. I want to be in touch with nature again. I don’t even keep up with dates on the calendar anymore because what’s the point? Just another day in the rat race.

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