
I can’t find a job that I can stick with

I graduated college a few years ago with a bachelor's degree and it's been really hard finding work. Sometimes I land a job but it turns out to be just god awful and with low pay on top of it, I just can't bring myself to stay there. I get that I have to work my way up the ladder to an extent but some of those jobs are just like degrading and take up so much time and energy. They have terrible management and such toxic work culture and offer such measly pay. So far since graduating college, after hundreds of applications, I found jobs at Starbucks, Hertz, CVS, and a grocery store. All companies were so awful to work for, low paying, terribly managed, miserable hours, poor work conditions, treated like a punching bag by customers, zero hope of ever moving up and managers who just degrade you.…

I graduated college a few years ago with a bachelor's degree and it's been really hard finding work. Sometimes I land a job but it turns out to be just god awful and with low pay on top of it, I just can't bring myself to stay there.

I get that I have to work my way up the ladder to an extent but some of those jobs are just like degrading and take up so much time and energy. They have terrible management and such toxic work culture and offer such measly pay. So far since graduating college, after hundreds of applications, I found jobs at Starbucks, Hertz, CVS, and a grocery store. All companies were so awful to work for, low paying, terribly managed, miserable hours, poor work conditions, treated like a punching bag by customers, zero hope of ever moving up and managers who just degrade you. I just couldn't bring myself to stick to any of them because they were just hell and got worse as time went on.

I feel bad that I can't seem to stick to a job. I can't even really put the jobs I mentioned here on my resume because I quit so early and stopped showing up. I know it's not the best form, but I just don't want to hate going into work every day. I can't settle for a job I'm unhappy at and poorly compensated for if I'm going to be giving up my whole days to be there. I'm tired of being berated my customers, I'm tired of toxic work environments, I'm tired of places with lousy training and poor management and low pay and back breaking hours. There's zero guarantee of anything good happening by staying, and it's also very unlikely anything good will happen by staying. I'm just tired of working for these large, soulless corporations that don't care about their workers.

I'm wondering if anyone else has been in my situation, like only landing terrible jobs and not being able to settle for them.

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