
i can’t seem to be bothered…

i'm 23 and started my first job little less than 2 years ago. the work is quite process based and doesn't require much creativity but this also increases the scope for human error. i have made mistakes in the past and learnt from them as i was not familiar with the environment or nature of systems, etc. i would say that i have a fairly good understanding of things and i know how to get most matters closed now. for a few months things have been slow at my firm, i have been doing the minimum daily required work and not bothered much despite there being other little issues to focus on here and there. there is a lot of procrastination and a general attitude of “yeah, this can be dealt with later, don't think anyone is bothered about this” the slacking off finally caught up to me when i…

i'm 23 and started my first job little less than 2 years ago. the work is quite process based and doesn't require much creativity but this also increases the scope for human error. i have made mistakes in the past and learnt from them as i was not familiar with the environment or nature of systems, etc. i would say that i have a fairly good understanding of things and i know how to get most matters closed now.

for a few months things have been slow at my firm, i have been doing the minimum daily required work and not bothered much despite there being other little issues to focus on here and there. there is a lot of procrastination and a general attitude of “yeah, this can be dealt with later, don't think anyone is bothered about this”

the slacking off finally caught up to me when i had a catch up with my manager and these pending 'can be seen' tasks were brought to light. she was understandably not happy about this and gave me a hearing as to how my attitude towards work isn't serious and the need to be more sincere. while i could make up plenty of excuses, i do realise that yes, this situation wasn't warranted and i could have acted earlier.

the sad part is not having been scolded by management. i then started to introspect, when asked the question, how will this change, i really didn't have an answer. when it came to if i am bothered about my job security, “YES, I DO NOT WANT TO LOSE MY JOB” was not an immediate reaction but a passing thought along with, “well, that would make things slightly tough”

i am afraid that i cannot fix myself and not just here, this attitude will make me unemployable and a burden to society. how do people deal with this, am i overthinking? looking for support

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