
I can’t stand the way management texts us

I work for a nonprofit shelter at Petsmart, taking care of the cats and processing Adoptions. Can someone tell me why management always talks to us like this? (Hint: none of them have managerial experience and this is a 10 person total company). If I quit right now, their whole operation would fall apart. I work all the shifts that no one else can work. I'm the only one that does several vital tasks. They would struggle and flounder and “ruin their relationship with Petsmart” if I quit. They talk like this for everything that goes wrong like we aren't all making 1.80 under minimum wage here. Like calling out 3 hours early isn't insane when the morning shift starts at 9am. Like it isn't insane to have as the expectation and sent as the reminder when we're all new hires and have never been told this. I'm sick of…

I work for a nonprofit shelter at Petsmart, taking care of the cats and processing Adoptions. Can someone tell me why management always talks to us like this? (Hint: none of them have managerial experience and this is a 10 person total company).

If I quit right now, their whole operation would fall apart. I work all the shifts that no one else can work. I'm the only one that does several vital tasks. They would struggle and flounder and “ruin their relationship with Petsmart” if I quit. They talk like this for everything that goes wrong like we aren't all making 1.80 under minimum wage here. Like calling out 3 hours early isn't insane when the morning shift starts at 9am. Like it isn't insane to have as the expectation and sent as the reminder when we're all new hires and have never been told this.

I'm sick of their condescending messages and disorganized behavior that gets blamed on the bottom line. My roommate didn't get paid because he doesn't work often (has only been paid one other pay period despite being here almost half a year) and didn't understand the new procedure to submit hours, which involves texting hours to one of the managers before noon on Sunday for a nebulous pay period that no one will remind you of in a timely manner. He had to cry and beg for his check to be submitted, despite the fact none of us are making minimum wage, and are living paycheck to paycheck. I'm so tired of how they treat us, I'm so tired of not being appreciated.

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