

I loved my job … but I’m so all set with my manager who excludes me after I show excitement for an event just because I’m always so willing to work and they’re cliquey. It was supposed to be a “team building event” too. I confronted her. She said it was inappropriate and we’d discuss it next week. Ummm… have fun being understaffed again and having over 40 clients LOL she gives me the clients she doesn’t want … well she can have them now :). This no good B , lied and said she was going Sunday. They went Saturday. I remember there was this stupid report no one did at the end of the week but she’d threaten not to give me PTO if it was in the wrong format again. The format in which we were sent for it doesn’t even work. Tf. I was the only…

I loved my job … but I’m so all set with my manager who excludes me after I show excitement for an event just because I’m always so willing to work and they’re cliquey. It was supposed to be a “team building event” too. I confronted her. She said it was inappropriate and we’d discuss it next week. Ummm… have fun being understaffed again and having over 40 clients LOL she gives me the clients she doesn’t want … well she can have them now :). This no good B , lied and said she was going Sunday. They went Saturday. I remember there was this stupid report no one did at the end of the week but she’d threaten not to give me PTO if it was in the wrong format again. The format in which we were sent for it doesn’t even work. Tf. I was the only person who worked around it too. Is stayed late to do it and even clocked out, so she can’t get on me for they. I work at a homeless shelter. She’ll discharge elderly women who have dementia and severe mental illness, meanwhile, the disgusting young guy who sexually harasses us doesn’t get discharged. During a meeting she told us no inappropriate touching from us is allowed. I agree … BUT why isn’t anyone fired if there’s staff inappropriately touching clients and why would she say that if it’s not going on? But, yeah there’s people she fires and people who stay clearly based on favoritism. After, I leave I’m going to work on getting her fired. I seem nice and harmless and like I won’t do anything … well she fucked with the wrong person … 🤷‍️

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