
I cry ~3 days a week before and sometimes after logging on/ off work. what should i do ?

Question: i was working in tech consulting prior for 5.5 months (straight outta of undergrad) until our big tech clients started laying off then our business branch was so also layed off. (i was then unemployed and enjoying life again – like even my neighbors were like oh ur smiling again yay!). i started volunteering for the place i’m at now just cus my mom kinda pushed me do something other then be in happy lala land. they then offered me a job because they liked my work & experience (me not wanting a job but wanting more money to travel + move out my moms said yes) i’ve been at my current job since May of this year…. from the jumó i didn’t like it. i have no relocated to a city i love but my new boss here is a jerk. should i start applying to other places…

Question: i was working in tech consulting prior for 5.5 months (straight outta of undergrad) until our big tech clients started laying off then our business branch was so also layed off. (i was then unemployed and enjoying life again – like even my neighbors were like oh ur smiling again yay!). i started volunteering for the place i’m at now just cus my mom kinda pushed me do something other then be in happy lala land. they then offered me a job because they liked my work & experience (me not wanting a job but wanting more money to travel + move out my moms said yes)

i’ve been at my current job since May of this year…. from the jumó i didn’t like it. i have no relocated to a city i love but my new boss here is a jerk. should i start applying to other places just to gauge and do a vibe check…. i don’t care but i do sorta care about how i’m perceived by perspective jobs. will they be weirded out that i hoped around and haven’t had a full year of adult work under my belt? I’m just not passionate about what i’m doing. i don’t care about the work itself. my boss is an asshole…. the cons list overshadows the pros atp…..

ALSO! i was working for a non profit for the summer that i have 4 years of experience and relationships with! and i was going to take their full time offer but i was offered 75k from a consulting firm that i took. i regret not staying in the field that makes me happiest. should i reach out to them and see if they have an openings? i’ll be going to the site next week for an end of summer cookout and might ask to just to see ?

. LMFAO. i cry before logging into my job (remote). I’ve been trying to figure out why and what is making me cry. i know it’s rooted in my deep dislike for working… but today i had a phone call w my boss. and i cried after it and now i’m laying in my bed trying to sort my brain out. My new boss and i do not communicate well to each other. I feel like he is just demanding things (fair he’s a boss n im his assistant) and not giving clear exceptions on timelines for things. i also have no experience in the field im in, and made that super clear… and it’s not my fault if u didn’t read my CV or resume… i’m trying i’m asking questions & googling. but im also dreading the whole thing. the only thing i like about this job is my paycheck ( which could be better and it’s actually a good size pay decrease then my last job but i needed a job after being unemployed for two months) – oh and the only time he’s kind towards me is when i brought up that i was gay he was so happy and full of life when i told him that…. even gave me the day off to spend the day w my partner 4 her bday. other then that it’s just sassy sass sassy sass

p.s thanks for any advice & wishing us all endless time outside in the sun

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