
I cut my hand on rusty metal, and, my supervisor told me to pour peroxide on it and keep working.

I work for a small transportation company in South Arkansas I cut my hand today while trying to connect two pieces of metal pipe with some rust on them. After I cleaned the wound and put a bandaid on it, I called my supervisor and told him what happened. His response was to go back to work and pour Hydrogen Peroxide on the wound if it started swelling. When the call ended, I immediately called HR and told them the same thing I told my supervisor. This time, the safety guy came and had me fill out a form while he tried to get an appointment for a tetanus shot. The safety guy called both spvsr. and the president of the company before he came to look at my cut. Suddenly, my spvsr. was very concerned about the accident and showed up shortly after the safety guy. Spvsr. walked up…

I work for a small transportation company in South Arkansas

I cut my hand today while trying to connect two pieces of metal pipe with some rust on them. After I cleaned the wound and put a bandaid on it, I called my supervisor and told him what happened. His response was to go back to work and pour Hydrogen Peroxide on the wound if it started swelling.

When the call ended, I immediately called HR and told them the same thing I told my supervisor. This time, the safety guy came and had me fill out a form while he tried to get an appointment for a tetanus shot. The safety guy called both spvsr. and the president of the company before he came to look at my cut.

Suddenly, my spvsr. was very concerned about the accident and showed up shortly after the safety guy. Spvsr. walked up talking about how he was going to have to write me up over the accident ( I wasn’t wearing gloves when I cut my hand) and that I left out the fact that the metal was rusty. He only wrote me up because I went over his head after asking him what to do, and only claimed I didn’t tell him about the rust to save himself from the safety guy.

I finally got an appointment tomorrow for a tetanus shot. Spvsr drove me to the front office so I could sign the write up, and was talking about how this is going to go on my record and could get me fired if I get three write ups.

I think it’s important to mention that the company recently bought a new security system for the front office and the only way to get in ( and get new gloves) is to have a badge or passcode, of which my crew has neither. The supervisor specifically didn’t give us badges so we couldn’t tell anyone how he treats us, which is causing everyone to look for other jobs.

Later in the day my spvsr texted me and asked if my coworker told me to call HR because spvsr has wanted to fire my coworker since July.

To top it off, no one will say or do anything to spvsr because his two bosses ( President and vice president) are both going to retire soon and don’t want to “step on any toes” before they go.

*HR and the Safety guy both work for a sister company to mine and spvsr’s.

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