
I didn’t renew my contract and my Managers are going Mad (Part2)

In a previous post I went into rather greater detail about my situation at work and now stuff happened, that I wanted to share. TLDR of my last post. I have a work contract (in retail) that runs until end of September and have now a new Position in my dreamjob ready for October. Since I broke the news to my current employer they are have a really bad Attitude against me. I live in the EU so I have 6 weeks vacation and at the start of the year scheduled 2 weeks for end of September (now). As I wont renew my contract and therefore wont Work the whole calender year, I had 7 days vacation left instead of the originally planned 12 (Work Week is Monday to Saturday, so 6 days). Before I took my vacation my Store Manager asked me, how I would handle the Situation regarding…

In a previous post I went into rather greater detail about my situation at work and now stuff happened, that I wanted to share.

TLDR of my last post. I have a work contract (in retail) that runs until end of September and have now a new Position in my dreamjob ready for October. Since I broke the news to my current employer they are have a really bad Attitude against me.

I live in the EU so I have 6 weeks vacation and at the start of the year scheduled 2 weeks for end of September (now). As I wont renew my contract and therefore wont Work the whole calender year, I had 7 days vacation left instead of the originally planned 12 (Work Week is Monday to Saturday, so 6 days).
Before I took my vacation my Store Manager asked me, how I would handle the Situation regarding my short cut vacation and I told her, I would take Monday to Monday and then come Back for the two weeks left. My Plan was to Check in on Monday how I was scheduled.
Today (sunday) at 3pm my manager texted saying I had to work on Monday at 12 and she would just put my last vacation day to tuesday and give me wednesday Off.
Basically she (store manager) gave me less than 24 hours notice, when next Week schedule has to be posted by wednesday. And she just moved my vacation day without asking me at all. I told her, that Monday was still off for me and she just Said there was no other option. I asked why and she didn't answer until now (5hours later).

Just Like what is she thinking? I was trying to get a clean break and Work my last two weeks as usual giving my best even with the attitude changing. I would have had No problem to come in on Monday if she had at least asked. But my whole sunday afternoon/evening I spent with my grandparents whom I see less than I'd like to was ruined because she thinks she can just move my days off around as she pleases.

If this all happened a few years ago I would just accept it. But now I have my new job lined up, read enough in this subreddit and as I would only miss out on some overtime pay, I can hit her where it hurts.
My plan is to go in on Monday take tue/we off as she planned but get a sick note on wednesday for the last two weeks at this job. Not sure if I should just do it or tell everyone on Monday what kind of shit she pulled with me, as it would make it obvious why I was suddenly sick. And I am not sure if I could get in trouble for it, but a doctors note should be pretty solid (keep in mind I am in Germany)

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