
I disappointed my new manager.

I finally left my old job. Woo! I’m so happy to be out of there. I started a new job and it’s been okay so far. I told my new manager that I prioritize my education. I won’t sacrifice it for anything. She let out a disappointed, long sigh and said, “well, I can’t do anything about that, can I?” Like duh, you can’t. I adore my degree and education. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that comment though.

I finally left my old job. Woo! I’m so happy to be out of there. I started a new job and it’s been okay so far. I told my new manager that I prioritize my education. I won’t sacrifice it for anything. She let out a disappointed, long sigh and said, “well, I can’t do anything about that, can I?” Like duh, you can’t. I adore my degree and education. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that comment though.

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