
I do not like my new job. Am I wrong?

I don't like the amount I'm being worked. The pay and the perks are great and all but they work you for every single dollar of it all. I'm burnt out. I'm not meant to be there but everyone else thinks I'd be a great fit and that I'm crazy for wanting to leave. This job is not for me. It's somewhat blue collar but I'm a white collar man. I can do the work, do not get me wrong, but I do not enjoy it one bit. There are just too many moving parts to it. Apparently having a job and enjoying it doesn't matter anymore!? I should at least like some tiny portion of my job. I told my boss what I thought. This guy is a great man and he completely understands but it's like nobody else can fathom my decision. No matter how many times I've…

I don't like the amount I'm being worked. The pay and the perks are great and all but they work you for every single dollar of it all. I'm burnt out. I'm not meant to be there but everyone else thinks I'd be a great fit and that I'm crazy for wanting to leave. This job is not for me. It's somewhat blue collar but I'm a white collar man. I can do the work, do not get me wrong, but I do not enjoy it one bit. There are just too many moving parts to it.

Apparently having a job and enjoying it doesn't matter anymore!? I should at least like some tiny portion of my job. I told my boss what I thought. This guy is a great man and he completely understands but it's like nobody else can fathom my decision. No matter how many times I've explained it, I'm just a “crazy man”. I get it, I've got bills to pay, insurance to have, and a nest egg to build up but I refuse to sacrifice myself and my enjoyment of life for those things. I will gladly take the crappy pay job that I absolutely adore so I can have more joy than work some job I will continue to hate and hate more and more as time goes by.

TL;DR I'm unhappy at a job I don't really want with decent perks that don't make the job anymore “worth it” to me. Nobody understands that I want a job I can at least partially enjoy. I will gladly take the crappy pay job that brings me infinitely more joy than work some job I will continue to hate and hate more and more as time goes by.

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