
I don’t even make enough to live. What’s the point of even working?

If I make almost as much or just over how much people on social assistance make, then why am I even working this job? No matter how much I make, I still struggle at my job. Prices increase faster than my wage can keep up. I'm highly considering quitting and just going on assistance because this isn't worth it. And if assistance doesn't become worth it or I become homeless, there's always getting arrested and living in jail for free… I just can't do this anymore. I love my career and I want to do it, but I know the system is broken. It's hurting the children. And I can't do anything to fix it. There's nothing I can do to truly help them. Only being with their families would truly help. Being raised at home with a primary caregiver is what they really need. And the system will never…

If I make almost as much or just over how much people on social assistance make, then why am I even working this job? No matter how much I make, I still struggle at my job. Prices increase faster than my wage can keep up. I'm highly considering quitting and just going on assistance because this isn't worth it. And if assistance doesn't become worth it or I become homeless, there's always getting arrested and living in jail for free… I just can't do this anymore. I love my career and I want to do it, but I know the system is broken. It's hurting the children. And I can't do anything to fix it. There's nothing I can do to truly help them. Only being with their families would truly help. Being raised at home with a primary caregiver is what they really need. And the system will never get to that point. I can't even have my own children at this wage, let alone trust another daycare (or even my own daycare) to properly care for them.

I don't blame people for committing suicide when the system is so broken. There's nothing we can do. No one wants to come together and stand for themselves. We are too afraid and too broken.

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