
I don’t get how my store manager hasn’t been fired!

I work in a very small retail store. My store manager has extremely high turnover due to her manipulative and narcissistic attitude/behaviours. Where do I even begin? She plays favourites, she hires her girlfriends and boyfriends (soon to be exes) hookups, or friends and allows them to slack off and do nothing, leaving all the work to employees she doesn’t like. She comes to work high then sits at the break desk eating and watching Netflix all day. She leaves the store while on the clock to go shopping, to smoke weed, or to hangout with her friends. She commits wage theft by adjusting hours so she doesn’t go over her store budget so she can get a bonus at the end of the year. She is known for cutting hours if you say anything opposite to what she believes, if you get sick and call in, if she favours…

I work in a very small retail store. My store manager has extremely high turnover due to her manipulative and narcissistic attitude/behaviours.

Where do I even begin? She plays favourites, she hires her girlfriends and boyfriends (soon to be exes) hookups, or friends and allows them to slack off and do nothing, leaving all the work to employees she doesn’t like. She comes to work high then sits at the break desk eating and watching Netflix all day. She leaves the store while on the clock to go shopping, to smoke weed, or to hangout with her friends. She commits wage theft by adjusting hours so she doesn’t go over her store budget so she can get a bonus at the end of the year. She is known for cutting hours if you say anything opposite to what she believes, if you get sick and call in, if she favours working with someone else, or if she just “doesn’t like your vibe”. She constantly hires despite not having the hours simply because she gets tired of people when they have been working there too long and know all of her drama. She doesn’t follow store rules and policies confusing everyone at what the store rules and policies even are, but will never admit she is wrong and blame you for doing something you’re “not supposed to” when you literally watched her do it the day before. She lies through her teeth to create drama in the workplace to get rid of people or pin people against each other, and encourages bullying of people she does not like. She never arrives to work on time but fixes her clock-ins to get paid for time not worked. She does not delegate or manage important information for workers to be able to do their jobs, resulting in tons of confusion and work not being done… and there’s so, so much more.

Recently, we had an assistant store manager and a supervisor quit, this put her under investigation. Both the assistant store manager and sales supervisor reported the issues above (and more) with picture/video proof in an exit interview with HR. It seemed like HR was taking this very seriously, but the second they were out of the system, nothing happened. They had proof of time theft, wage theft, her letting her friends in the store after closing hours while she’s counting the till and configuring the deposit, proof of bullying through private texts, proof of cutting hours through private texts, etc. Proof, upon proof, upon proof, upon proof and no repercussions.. not even a mention or a question about the behaviour from upper management or HR.

She has committed actual crimes. Just two days ago she left me, an associate, in the store by myself to receive stock skids and unload HUNDREDS of boxes, again by myself!!!! All while she went and SMOKED WEED in her car with her friend at the back of the parking lot. Anyone could’ve walked in and robbed me!

(Yes I am looking for another job, but I have bills to pay so I have to stay for now.)

The entire company must be corrupt for allowing this to get swept under the rug. I am a person who is very justice based and cannot let this go. I feel she needs to face repercussions for everything she has put everyone through. I love the job and the actual work that I do, it’s just dealing with her that ruins it for everyone.

How can I get justice?!!

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