
I Don’t Get It

I am a small business owner, for the past 8 years. My cafe has been pretty successful since almost the start. We survived Covid quite well but now the frustration kicked in. I hire cooks, we agree on salary and hours. We are busy but nothing an experienced cook cannot handle. We are open 6 hours a day, starting at 8:00am. The days are not long. I pay $16.00/hr to start and a couple cooks make $18.00/hr. My confusion is when a cook just stops showing up with no communication whatsoever. We have a nice working environment, everyone gets along. What am I missing? Why do people just stop showing up? I’m very easy going because I’ve worked in shit places and I won’t have mine become one of them.

I am a small business owner, for the past 8 years. My cafe has been pretty successful since almost the start. We survived Covid quite well but now the frustration kicked in. I hire cooks, we agree on salary and hours. We are busy but nothing an experienced cook cannot handle. We are open 6 hours a day, starting at 8:00am. The days are not long. I pay $16.00/hr to start and a couple cooks make $18.00/hr.

My confusion is when a cook just stops showing up with no communication whatsoever. We have a nice working environment, everyone gets along. What am I missing? Why do people just stop showing up? I’m very easy going because I’ve worked in shit places and I won’t have mine become one of them.

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