
I don’t have anything else to give

feeling majorly burned out. Been at my job for a while now and it’s seemed to go downhill quickly. to the point where I don’t have anything else to give. I feel unsupported, not taken seriously my job transitioned quickly so I’m doing a lot of tasks that have never been on my job description. been struggling so had a candid chat with my boss so they know. they then went and told some of the team how I’m feeling. no one seems to listen to me, I can’t articulate very well how I’m feeling or what the issues are. I’m just done, I care so much but it’s really taking a negative impact on my mental health – if it wasn’t for my animals, I wouldn’t be here anymore. these employers really don’t give a crap about us huh.

feeling majorly burned out.
Been at my job for a while now and it’s seemed to go downhill quickly. to the point where I don’t have anything else to give. I feel unsupported, not taken seriously

my job transitioned quickly so I’m doing a lot of tasks that have never been on my job description.

been struggling so had a candid chat with my boss so they know. they then went and told some of the team how I’m feeling.

no one seems to listen to me, I can’t articulate very well how I’m feeling or what the issues are. I’m just done, I care so much but it’s really taking a negative impact on my mental health – if it wasn’t for my animals, I wouldn’t be here anymore. these employers really don’t give a crap about us huh.

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