
I don’t know how the fuck people do this

Cause I'm having an existential crisis every morning on whehter it's even worthwhile getting out of bed because I know my entire day is already about to be wasted by some pointless bullshit. How do people do this? How do they just accept that this is life? I can't imagine doing this till i'm 65+ and retirement is kinda a pipe dream at the moment. Seriously considering saving up as much as possible before hitting the road doing random odd jobs here and there while sleeping in my car. At least every day would be different. I'd see a different city every day I'd eat somewhere different every day. Right now I just feel like I'm just taking space away from somebody who actually wants to be here. Anyway have a nice fucking labor day weekend while I go slave away to some bullshit

Cause I'm having an existential crisis every morning on whehter it's even worthwhile getting out of bed because I know my entire day is already about to be wasted by some pointless bullshit. How do people do this? How do they just accept that this is life? I can't imagine doing this till i'm 65+ and retirement is kinda a pipe dream at the moment. Seriously considering saving up as much as possible before hitting the road doing random odd jobs here and there while sleeping in my car. At least every day would be different. I'd see a different city every day I'd eat somewhere different every day. Right now I just feel like I'm just taking space away from somebody who actually wants to be here. Anyway have a nice fucking labor day weekend while I go slave away to some bullshit

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