
I don’t know if I should quit; I feel really guilty

Hi! I recently started a job at a restaurant; the boss is nice enough and I like my coworkers. However, it is finals week and I’m drowning in homework. I should have requested off but I didn’t. I’m meant to come into work twice this week but I don’t know if I can without falling so behind in school. I have some other job interviews lined up + savings. I’ve never just quit a job without giving two weeks notice. What should I do?

Hi! I recently started a job at a restaurant; the boss is nice enough and I like my coworkers. However, it is finals week and I’m drowning in homework. I should have requested off but I didn’t. I’m meant to come into work twice this week but I don’t know if I can without falling so behind in school. I have some other job interviews lined up + savings.

I’ve never just quit a job without giving two weeks notice. What should I do?

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