
I don’t know who needs to hear this but corporations are NOT YOUR FRIEND!

If they delay your paycheck for even a couple days you have every right to get angry and demand it. If they delay it for more than a week or two weeks, threaten them with a lawsuit and say your lawyer will be in touch with their legal team (even if you don't have a lawyer still say it, it will make them piss their pants). You're not there to make friends, you're there to do the job you're assigned and leave at the end of the shift. Don't EVER work more than the task you were assigned. And don't ever do something that's not stated in your contract of employment. If they try to force it on you, tell them it's not in your contract and If they try to fire you for it, you're entitled to compensation. Don't make the same mistakes I did, I was too nice…

If they delay your paycheck for even a couple days you have every right to get angry and demand it. If they delay it for more than a week or two weeks, threaten them with a lawsuit and say your lawyer will be in touch with their legal team (even if you don't have a lawyer still say it, it will make them piss their pants). You're not there to make friends, you're there to do the job you're assigned and leave at the end of the shift.

Don't EVER work more than the task you were assigned. And don't ever do something that's not stated in your contract of employment. If they try to force it on you, tell them it's not in your contract and If they try to fire you for it, you're entitled to compensation.

Don't make the same mistakes I did, I was too nice and they took advantage of me. Most months my salary was delayed for 2-3 weeks even though the other departments were paid ON THE FIRST DAY OF A NEW MONTH.
I did everyone else's work whilst my co workers took days off. I was not compensated for the vacation days I didn't use that year even though in the contract it said I would be.

Fuck corporations, fuck all companies, not a single one of them are your friend no matter how nice they act and smile in front of you.

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