
I dont know who needs to here this but the technology for material handling and production in manufacturing and warehouses already exists. Ask anyone who has ever worked in the clean rooms of a semiconductor plant.

Its literally a very complex, fully automated, robotic, upside-down train/crane system and its the most amazing thing thing you will ever see. Whizzing above your head at 25MPH. It doesnt need breaks and can operate 24/7. With advent of self-driving vehicles, Im sure the capitalists are salivating over it. Plan accordingly comrades.

Its literally a very complex, fully automated, robotic, upside-down train/crane system and its the most amazing thing thing you will ever see. Whizzing above your head at 25MPH. It doesnt need breaks and can operate 24/7. With advent of self-driving vehicles, Im sure the capitalists are salivating over it. Plan accordingly comrades.

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