
I don’t like my job

Been at this nonprofit for more than a year and it was cool in the beginning, you know that whole we’re a family here & we stand together thing only lasts so long. I’ve been passed up for new opportunities so much that I just feel like why work as hard as I use to. I’ve been looking for a new job that pays decently for months now & just getting frustrated. I’ve since moved to part time cause I just don’t even wanna be there. I get anxious just clocking in. I’ll add that I work with high risk individuals dealing with a crisis & it’s hard to help when you’re dealing with a crisis yourself.

Been at this nonprofit for more than a year and it was cool in the beginning, you know that whole we’re a family here & we stand together thing only lasts so long. I’ve been passed up for new opportunities so much that I just feel like why work as hard as I use to. I’ve been looking for a new job that pays decently for months now & just getting frustrated. I’ve since moved to part time cause I just don’t even wanna be there. I get anxious just clocking in. I’ll add that I work with high risk individuals dealing with a crisis & it’s hard to help when you’re dealing with a crisis yourself.

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