
I don’t really want to pay social security and medicare taxes anymore

Especially not for the ungrateful boomers who've ruined everything for us. Why should I pay into a system to make their last years comfortable while I struggle to make a living right in this moment? Why should I pay into a system that might not even exist by the time I retire? Our freaking country might not exist in 30-40 years for gods sake. We're doing basically nothing to combat climate change and the destruction of our environment. We're doing nothing to make healthcare available to everyone without bankrupting us all and nothing to make prescription drug costs affordable. I'm sick of paying taxes for the ungrateful whiny boomers who place blame on the generations that came after them, their kids and grandkids. I'm sick of it!

Especially not for the ungrateful boomers who've ruined everything for us. Why should I pay into a system to make their last years comfortable while I struggle to make a living right in this moment? Why should I pay into a system that might not even exist by the time I retire? Our freaking country might not exist in 30-40 years for gods sake. We're doing basically nothing to combat climate change and the destruction of our environment. We're doing nothing to make healthcare available to everyone without bankrupting us all and nothing to make prescription drug costs affordable. I'm sick of paying taxes for the ungrateful whiny boomers who place blame on the generations that came after them, their kids and grandkids. I'm sick of it!

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