
I don’t trust anyone I work for

They are all fake jerks. They treat anyone not in a supervisor role like trash. If you aren’t in the club you are really invisible. It didn’t used to be like this. People used to treat everyone with respect. I do not respect anyone I work for. Honestly the place would run better without them. They dont make decisions- they don’t make schedules. They only order us around when one of their friends needs something or if something goes wrong I put in applications every day but let’s face it. Every place is like this.

They are all fake jerks. They treat anyone not in a supervisor role like trash. If you aren’t in the club you are really invisible.
It didn’t used to be like this. People used to treat everyone with respect. I do not respect anyone I work for. Honestly the place would run better without them. They dont make decisions- they don’t make schedules. They only order us around when one of their friends needs something or if something goes wrong
I put in applications every day but let’s face it. Every place is like this.

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