
I don’t understand what’s going on at work

I started working at a company in February, this is my graduate first job after university. I’m my boss’s first and only employee but he merged with another company and I work in the other company’s office. However, they belong to the other company. Over the summer and just before summer my boss paid for me to get on a course to start taking clients, I passed the course and he started training me in august. But since august he stopped, he gave me a lot of praise and said I’d be able to go forward but that was it. This wasn’t even a promotion, just more responsibility. My boss hasn’t come into the office for a month, he hasn’t trained me since august, he arranged a meeting with me to talk about my absent level. I was unfortunate enough to be really sick for 5 days so this is…

I started working at a company in February, this is my graduate first job after university. I’m my boss’s first and only employee but he merged with another company and I work in the other company’s office. However, they belong to the other company. Over the summer and just before summer my boss paid for me to get on a course to start taking clients, I passed the course and he started training me in august. But since august he stopped, he gave me a lot of praise and said I’d be able to go forward but that was it. This wasn’t even a promotion, just more responsibility.

My boss hasn’t come into the office for a month, he hasn’t trained me since august, he arranged a meeting with me to talk about my absent level. I was unfortunate enough to be really sick for 5 days so this is why. He also said I’m not coming into the office 3 days a week. I’ve been coming in twice because I haven’t got enough work to do as he’s been absent for so long and never gives me enough work and I never knew I was meant to come in 3 times as he never said; I usually work from home. He tells me that he knows he’s been absent with me for some months and apologises.

In this meeting he never mentions his promises, the training of me taking on clients. I’m ready to quit now because I feel like this is ridiculous. I also don’t even know if he’s considering firing me as he can’t manage me? I’ve noticed I never get calls anymore from the company app. No idea what’s going on. I don’t understand as I’ve completed all the work efficiently, completed the course with a high mark, etc. Any ideas? It doesn’t really matter anyway as I’m already on the job hunt.

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