
i don’t want a job at all

i am 17 years old and have never had a “real” job. a few of my friends make fun of me and insult me from time to time over my unemployment, but i’m happier than they ever will be. right now, i am a freelance wig stylist. i make $60-$150 per wig right now. people fill out a google form and leave their information and i get into contact with them and we talk about what kind of wig they would like and i style it for them. i love styling wigs and i couldn’t ask for a better hobby. i do wigs for everyday wear, cosplay, and drag. i’ve never worked in retail at all and i am terrified of it. i hardly ever leave my house (online school) and almost all of my friends are online so i don’t get much interaction with people. i hate being around…

i am 17 years old and have never had a “real” job. a few of my friends make fun of me and insult me from time to time over my unemployment, but i’m happier than they ever will be.

right now, i am a freelance wig stylist. i make $60-$150 per wig right now. people fill out a google form and leave their information and i get into contact with them and we talk about what kind of wig they would like and i style it for them. i love styling wigs and i couldn’t ask for a better hobby. i do wigs for everyday wear, cosplay, and drag.

i’ve never worked in retail at all and i am terrified of it. i hardly ever leave my house (online school) and almost all of my friends are online so i don’t get much interaction with people. i hate being around other people and i struggle with simple tasks, so i think i would fail miserably in retail.

my one irl friend just got her first ever job this summer. she is also 17 and is very hard working and determined. she doesn’t get that many hours where she works, but she does her best there.

she will occasionally make comments about how i’m “the unemployed friend” or get upset whenever i say i’m bored. i don’t know what to do about this. how do i make her understand that i genuinely do not want to work until i have gotten a degree and can find a long term job? i would like to finish college, get an internship, and from there get a job. is this entirely unrealistic? /genq, please be as honest as necessary.

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