
I don’t want to go back to my shitty new job…

For a bout a month I’ve been working at a Take 5 Oil Change Service and it’s honestly been the quickest I’ve started to despise my job; I’m honestly starting to shudder at the idea of going back. There’s this massive amount of pressure on me to work; I need to move out, I need to provide for my cats, I need to support my partner, I’m not doing great in school, and have no idea what career I’d even want. I initially found this job by going to the Take 5 by my home and just asking the service writer a couple of questions; he described this job with the glimmering details. He stated that it was really only a weeks worth of training and that after the initial training pay rate of $10, it would be bumped to $15 and then there’s the potential of commission pay and…

For a bout a month I’ve been working at a Take 5 Oil Change Service and it’s honestly been the quickest I’ve started to despise my job; I’m honestly starting to shudder at the idea of going back. There’s this massive amount of pressure on me to work; I need to move out, I need to provide for my cats, I need to support my partner, I’m not doing great in school, and have no idea what career I’d even want. I initially found this job by going to the Take 5 by my home and just asking the service writer a couple of questions; he described this job with the glimmering details. He stated that it was really only a weeks worth of training and that after the initial training pay rate of $10, it would be bumped to $15 and then there’s the potential of commission pay and with consistent commission people are making $25-$30. It’s been over a month and I’m still training; and by training, I mean, fumbling around for a couple days until someone is essentially forced to give me a couple lessons. I have not even touched the register, and have no ability to make this commission pay. These people don’t even seem to want to train me. All the other employees are men in their 30s and 40s who essentially act like overdramatic teenage guys. They all have kids they don’t want to see and baby mamas they don’t want to interact with.

Personally, I feel like I’ve made really great improvements for what I’m given. I’m able to change oil in under five minutes, but there are still things I struggle with most of the time I can’t wrap my head around, taking down skid plates, or splash shields. Sometimes I’m simply not strong enough to take down drain plugs and filters. I was never given any information on what certain tools were or techniques to make certain tasks easier or how to even do them in the first place. Using context clues from other conversations I can tell that a lot of these people talk shit about me behind my back most of these people being leading techs or managers. only two other people have even acknowledged that I’ve gotten better and even then there are times that they can’t hide their frustration with me.

My schedule is fucking absurd too. I work every single weekend for 40 hours a week. I never signed up for a full-time position and it’s honestly made my life so fucking difficult. I have no energy for school and no time for social outings.

This week marks the second week in which I haven’t gotten my schedule. I guess I was supposed to go into work yesterday, but I had no idea because I was going by the last one. I got a couple calls that I didn’t answer and then no other follow up. I feel like they’re either doing this on purpose to create some outburst out of me to make me leave or they simply created another group chat where I’m not included and forgot that I wouldn’t be able to get the schedule. I might go in tomorrow so I can gauge the reaction and explain my side of this. My partner says that at the end of the day it’s my choice and that they’d understand if I want to quit. My mom said that I could be topless for a little bit and that they would support me. I don’t know, I just don’t want to work for a bit, but I can’t afford to. I don’t want to work there anymore, I’m probably gonna quit. I feel shitty and weak in there and that’s a million times worse than feeling pissed off and annoyed somewhere else.

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