
I don’t want to look for a different job, I want my current company to value me more

I work in a dispensary and get paid minimum wage. I’m fortunate that I am allowed to accept tips directly, however my company uses that to keep from paying us all more. I want to have my ideas and opinions listened to. I want to make this store beautiful and functional, but I’ve been there for 2 years and management just doesn’t listen to us. I don’t want to leave, I just wish we were all compensated better. They are always pushing us to improve our average sale but never give raises based on sales metrics. Just a yearly raise that doesn’t keep up with inflation Sigh

I work in a dispensary and get paid minimum wage. I’m fortunate that I am allowed to accept tips directly, however my company uses that to keep from paying us all more.

I want to have my ideas and opinions listened to. I want to make this store beautiful and functional, but I’ve been there for 2 years and management just doesn’t listen to us.
I don’t want to leave, I just wish we were all compensated better. They are always pushing us to improve our average sale but never give raises based on sales metrics. Just a yearly raise that doesn’t keep up with inflation


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