
I don’t want to return to work

In early August I was laid off from my IT job. I was pretty bummed since the pay was pretty decent and I had next to zero responsibilities. But I took it as an opportunity to work on the projects I had going on within my hobbies. I finished one which I'm really proud about and a bunch of people liked it. Not having to work for someone else doing a job I didn't want to do and just being able to work on things that I enjoyed felt freeing. Of course I was searching for a new job the whole time. Had a few interviews and I received a job offer last week. My first day starts in a few hours at the time this is posted. I don't want to return to a job. Having this last month “off” was great, honestly. I'm dreading going back to work…

In early August I was laid off from my IT job. I was pretty bummed since the pay was pretty decent and I had next to zero responsibilities. But I took it as an opportunity to work on the projects I had going on within my hobbies. I finished one which I'm really proud about and a bunch of people liked it.

Not having to work for someone else doing a job I didn't want to do and just being able to work on things that I enjoyed felt freeing. Of course I was searching for a new job the whole time. Had a few interviews and I received a job offer last week. My first day starts in a few hours at the time this is posted. I don't want to return to a job. Having this last month “off” was great, honestly. I'm dreading going back to work because I simply want to work on what I'm interested in. Also, I've been struggling to get any sleep so this is going to be a great first day….

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