
I don’t want to show up tomorrow

I work in accounting and I’m now with a company that believes printing everything on paper is where it’s at. I want to die at work but I make it fun, highlighting stuff and writing codes in nice handwriting. That’s just the under layer of their code of conduct. These people have literally made me cry because of my mom duties, appointments, etc. They treat me like I’ve killed somebody when I return. I Interviewed for another job and I’m pretty sure I will get it. It’s wfh until they can get any kind of grasp of what they are doing but I’m fine with that. It’s also 10k more than I’m making now. I wish I could quit my job right now. I have so much going on, getting my daughter ready for daycare, rushing her and not having any valuable time with my kids. They have told me…

I work in accounting and I’m now with a company that believes printing everything on paper is where it’s at. I want to die at work but I make it fun, highlighting stuff and writing codes in nice handwriting. That’s just the under layer of their code of conduct. These people have literally made me cry because of my mom duties, appointments, etc. They treat me like I’ve killed somebody when I return.
I Interviewed for another job and I’m pretty sure I will get it. It’s wfh until they can get any kind of grasp of what they are doing but I’m fine with that. It’s also 10k more than I’m making now.

I wish I could quit my job right now. I have so much going on, getting my daughter ready for daycare, rushing her and not having any valuable time with my kids. They have told me being 5 mins late on salary is unacceptable but they have more tenured people who come in 5,10 to 30 mins late, everyday. They told me I wasn’t doing my job right when I’m reality my boss is not qualified for her controller role and she runs back and blames everything on me.

I want to call in tomorrow. I don’t even care anymore.
Yesterday I interviewed with the other place and I am 99.9 percent sure they will hire me.

They have been playing this stupid game with bringing a temp on. They talked them up to me to make me worry. 2 of them didn’t even show up for the first day. Lol
The temp we have now doesn’t do much besides what I send him. They are gassing him up and making him feel important but telling me not to allow him to do anything that I do.

Should I just say Fuck it and sent a text/email that I’m not coming in?
I need rest and they have all been taking time off.

Thanks in advance.

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