
I dread going to work

Me and one other coworker work for 1 lawyer as interns. I started here 4 months ago, and I thought it was going to get a little better but I still don’t like going to work. For one, the lawyer does not speak to us with respect. Every morning I’m afraid that he’ll rip into my work and embarrass me. He believes that pointing out mistakes and being tough is the only way to make you learn. He’s mean then he apologizes and says he’s sorry for being hard on us. There’s day where he yells at my coworker then my coworker tries to make me feel worse by criticizing my work. One time my coworker was getting ripped into for his portion of some legal research we did, then on a day I wasn’t in work he did the whole thing by himself, and felt the need to tell…

Me and one other coworker work for 1 lawyer as interns. I started here 4 months ago, and I thought it was going to get a little better but I still don’t like going to work. For one, the lawyer does not speak to us with respect. Every morning I’m afraid that he’ll rip into my work and embarrass me. He believes that pointing out mistakes and being tough is the only way to make you learn. He’s mean then he apologizes and says he’s sorry for being hard on us.

There’s day where he yells at my coworker then my coworker tries to make me feel worse by criticizing my work. One time my coworker was getting ripped into for his portion of some legal research we did, then on a day I wasn’t in work he did the whole thing by himself, and felt the need to tell me that he made a lot changes to my work and that the lawyer said it was a lot more improved than the work I did. My coworker also told me how he was jealous that I hadn’t gotten yelled at for a few days, and that he was getting yelled at but not me.

The firm is small and run by the lawyer and his wife who does paralegal work. She’s also very condescending. She sighs when we ask questions, and is incredibly passive aggressive. The other day she sent an email about me moving a plant and not leaving it parallel to the wall. It’s just the little things that stress me out. I have no one to talk to there, and everyone including the lawyer, his wife; and my coworker is problematic.

I don’t want to work here anymore. Will future employers look at me weird I leave after 4.5 months ?

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