
I (f20) think I got fired without being notified. What am I supposed to do now?

This morning I got a strange text saying it was the leadership team from my workplace. It asked me why I left and what they could do better, which confused me, because… I never quit? I didn’t even mention quitting, or joke about it. I’ve worked at this fast food place for a month (if that), and it’s been my first “real” job (my other jobs were on my college campus but I needed something for the summer while school was out and it just carried over into the school year). So learning the ropes has been hard but they kept telling me I was doing good all things considered. I even (this past week) worked overtime without being asked just because they were slammed, and even though I was stressed as hell because I had homework that would last me all night and I was being told everything I…

This morning I got a strange text saying it was the leadership team from my workplace. It asked me why I left and what they could do better, which confused me, because… I never quit? I didn’t even mention quitting, or joke about it. I’ve worked at this fast food place for a month (if that), and it’s been my first “real” job (my other jobs were on my college campus but I needed something for the summer while school was out and it just carried over into the school year).

So learning the ropes has been hard but they kept telling me I was doing good all things considered. I even (this past week) worked overtime without being asked just because they were slammed, and even though I was stressed as hell because I had homework that would last me all night and I was being told everything I was doing wrong constantly by this one coworker that doesn’t like me, I stayed. They’ve been really low on workers lately because people (around 4 in the past two weeks) have quit, and I never got the impression that people were mad at me.

I had a hospital visit in which I would be an hour late to work and they gave me some flak for that, but I didn’t hear anything else about it.

Anyways, this text message. I thought it was a mixup since someone just quit, but then I texted my coworker who I’m the closest with asking what this could mean. She said “Oh yeah I was gonna tell you, I don’t think they’re putting you back on the schedule.” Huh? Did I do something that bad? And why haven’t I been notified? I’m so confused.

I’m so new I don’t even have the managers number to ask, so I had to ask her for it. She hasn’t responded yet but I’m nervous because if I did get fired, I don’t have a job lined up at all.

I don’t know what to do.

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