
I feel dirty and lost

I (22) work at a grocery store and i just got talked to by the owner because i had a bad attitude. To be fair, i did. I'm feeling crushed and used for profit, at a job i don't like that i work at to pay rent. All i can see when i'm at work is the profit made by the owner/corporate. When things are 300%+ the cost of production for clients, i'm disgusted. I feel it goes against my values to work there, but then again, i know it'll be like that anywhere i work, because that's just the capitalist society i live in. I don't have much of a choice. The talk ended with the owner saying they'd let me keep my job, but that changes had to be made. I agreed, and i feel dirty for it. Backed up against the wall. I don't know what to…

I (22) work at a grocery store and i just got talked to by the owner because i had a bad attitude. To be fair, i did. I'm feeling crushed and used for profit, at a job i don't like that i work at to pay rent.

All i can see when i'm at work is the profit made by the owner/corporate. When things are 300%+ the cost of production for clients, i'm disgusted. I feel it goes against my values to work there, but then again, i know it'll be like that anywhere i work, because that's just the capitalist society i live in. I don't have much of a choice.

The talk ended with the owner saying they'd let me keep my job, but that changes had to be made. I agreed, and i feel dirty for it. Backed up against the wall.

I don't know what to do with my life, and this kind of stuff makes it harder to deal with existantial crisis. I feel like no matter what, i'll have to give in at some point. They're just waiting for me to break, and they're very patient.

Any advice? What can i do to sort myself out? I have no passion, no major interest, nothing i'm particularly good at. Can't be more average. I dread the idea of having to work just to pay the bills, as opposed to working because i like my job.


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