
I feel I must clarify some things after my last post about wondering why people don’t take time off for their health

First off I do apologize. I can see how some may think my post was “corporate like” or “pro work”. I do apologize that wasn't my intention. Second I appreciate those explaining why people decide to still go into work feeling like shit. From my understanding it seems companies have gotten rid of or don't even offer paid sick time off. Which that alone is awful and needs to be more addressed. I know I wouldn't want to use my own personal PTO time off to just stay in bed all day. I just remember my last job had sick time off as well as PTO. My current job just has PTO and I haven't been sick yet to miss some time knock on wood. So yeah I just wanted to clarify on things. It seemed I confused a lot of people into thinking I was corporate or what not.…

First off I do apologize. I can see how some may think my post was “corporate like” or “pro work”. I do apologize that wasn't my intention. Second I appreciate those explaining why people decide to still go into work feeling like shit.

From my understanding it seems companies have gotten rid of or don't even offer paid sick time off. Which that alone is awful and needs to be more addressed. I know I wouldn't want to use my own personal PTO time off to just stay in bed all day. I just remember my last job had sick time off as well as PTO. My current job just has PTO and I haven't been sick yet to miss some time knock on wood.

So yeah I just wanted to clarify on things. It seemed I confused a lot of people into thinking I was corporate or what not. Everyone deserves to have sick paid time off aside from their regular PTO.

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