
I feel like a doormat

I’ve been working a desk job with my company first shift for almost two years. They were hiring for a QC/trainer position. Every job I’ve ever worked before this company I was a trainer, so I have 10 years of experience. Of course I was hopeful but knew even after three rounds of skills checks/interviews that there was a possibility I wouldn’t get the promotion. However, the boss of all our supervisors asked me if I would help train people on second shift for a week since they were short. This was before I would find out if I got the position. We were suppose to find out Friday, the day she asked me. I stupidly said Yes thinking “surly they wouldn’t ask me to train if I didn’t get the position” … but I got the email on Tuesday, after already training people two days, that I didn’t get…

I’ve been working a desk job with my company first shift for almost two years. They were hiring for a QC/trainer position. Every job I’ve ever worked before this company I was a trainer, so I have 10 years of experience.

Of course I was hopeful but knew even after three rounds of skills checks/interviews that there was a possibility I wouldn’t get the promotion. However, the boss of all our supervisors asked me if I would help train people on second shift for a week since they were short. This was before I would find out if I got the position. We were suppose to find out Friday, the day she asked me.

I stupidly said Yes thinking “surly they wouldn’t ask me to train if I didn’t get the position” … but I got the email on Tuesday, after already training people two days, that I didn’t get the position.

Maybe I shouldn’t have thought them asking me to do the exact same job I applied for meant anything.. But damn do I really hate my company now.

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