
I feel like capitalism and work takes advantage of my disability

I have ADHD and, because of that, I can only do good work when I'm panicking. I work great in retail and food service because fast paced environments make me panic, and get stuff done. Otherwise, my ADHD makes it hard for me to focus and do work. I can't do work peacefully. And I think this is kind of why I burn out so quickly because I'm using way too much anxious energy to get stuff done at work. And when I'm working in a calm job, I don't perform as well because I don't have the panic to motivate me. I guess I'm just complaining because if I'm not being abused by a company, I'm not going to do good work. Anyone else with ADHD understand what I'm saying? Anyone have any ideas how to succeed without feeling like the world will explode if you don't get everything…

I have ADHD and, because of that, I can only do good work when I'm panicking. I work great in retail and food service because fast paced environments make me panic, and get stuff done. Otherwise, my ADHD makes it hard for me to focus and do work.

I can't do work peacefully.

And I think this is kind of why I burn out so quickly because I'm using way too much anxious energy to get stuff done at work. And when I'm working in a calm job, I don't perform as well because I don't have the panic to motivate me.

I guess I'm just complaining because if I'm not being abused by a company, I'm not going to do good work.

Anyone else with ADHD understand what I'm saying? Anyone have any ideas how to succeed without feeling like the world will explode if you don't get everything done right now

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