
I feel like I can’t quit. My boss will expect my best friend to take my hours.

My bestie and I work at the same place. She works the hardest shift, I work the most undesired shifts. It balances out, a large majority of our business hours are worked by just us two. We have a third employee, but they work a lot less. However, I would like to quit. I found job opportunities that offer me experience and growth in the office world and that's exactly what I want. I want a 9-5, steady schedule, benefits, etc. My current job doesn't offer me any of this and never has. I also hit the pay ceiling recently. With quitting, also comes all these open hours id no longer be working. It's at least 40 hours all together that would be up for grabs. My boss will not work them, he will expect me to work it until he finds someone OR he will expect my best friend…

My bestie and I work at the same place. She works the hardest shift, I work the most undesired shifts. It balances out, a large majority of our business hours are worked by just us two. We have a third employee, but they work a lot less.

However, I would like to quit. I found job opportunities that offer me experience and growth in the office world and that's exactly what I want. I want a 9-5, steady schedule, benefits, etc. My current job doesn't offer me any of this and never has. I also hit the pay ceiling recently.

With quitting, also comes all these open hours id no longer be working. It's at least 40 hours all together that would be up for grabs. My boss will not work them, he will expect me to work it until he finds someone OR he will expect my best friend to take all the hours on top of what she already works – it'd put her up to 60+ hours a week. My best friend also wants to quit, so she has no interest in working like that. Hell, I wouldn't either. We've both done it and it's awful.

For some reason, because she's my best friend, the Boss fully expects us to swap and cover for each other. He NEVER asks anyone else. It results in our schedules being completely opposite and never being able to ask for time off. Not even holidays. Because then the other person has to take it. My boss has said quote, “You guys have to figure it out, talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you want to do. Someone has to work it.”

I want to note that my best friend has to schedule her appointments according to her work schedule. She only has Mondays off during the week, so that's her only day to do doctors, dentist, bank, etc. My boss will not allow her to take any other week day off unless she swaps with me.

He allows others to take time off, sometimes for weeks at a time. But never us. He'll give every reason why we can't. Not even half a day off. It's really gotten under my skin recently. He's currently on a 1-2 month long vacation, he left a few days ago so wd have our fill in manager who's even worse about it.

Aside from that, I also hate the commute. I drive an hour to get here, and another hour back home. I also pay $4 a day in toll road fees as it's the only route to get here. No, I'm not reimbursed. No, my boss doesn't care. His solution is for me to work longer hours to somehow “reduce” driving trips, but I don't get any extra time off. He just wants to add to my hours. It makes no sense. The only outcome with that is that HE gets more time off.

All in all, I'm ready to leave but I feel like I can't. What do I do here? I'm open to advice. I don't want to cause any problems because my bestie isn't ready to leave yet, she's trying but she can't yet. She has to stay for another month or so and I don't want to make it hard for her.

I thought about just staying put, but I don't really want to work here much longer.. I began to hate my job a year ago. What do I do here? If I apply to new jobs, they'll want interviews and if I get it, they'll want me to start quickly. All of the ones I want or would like to have require M-F work schedules. I'd be forced to cut my hours drastically or quit all together.. but my boss (especially the fill in guy) would put pressure on my best friend to take extra hours she doesn't want.

I'm extremely conflicted. I feel like a fork in a bowl of soup.

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