
I feel like I’m gonna be homeless

Nobody wants to hire me and I feel like Im gonna be Kicked out of my house if I don't find some way of making money soon. I have applied to so many jobs. so many in person places that Say they are interested and call me back but never start so many no call backs. I don't have a car only a bike and I have to bike back and fourth 5 miles everyday if I do get a job. I'm just so tired of this

Nobody wants to hire me and I feel like Im gonna be Kicked out of my house if I don't find some way of making money soon. I have applied to so many jobs. so many in person places that Say they are interested and call me back but never start so many no call backs. I don't have a car only a bike and I have to bike back and fourth 5 miles everyday if I do get a job. I'm just so tired of this

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