
I feel like I’m stuck in a bottomless pit

I hate my job and I hate my bosses. I've been applying to jobs for over a year and out of 70 applications, I got two interviews that I never got the job. I'm stuck in this job and I hate it. I'm a salesman and if my phone autocorrects something I sent to a customer and I don't catch it right away, I get screamed at. Even after sending an official quote that they signed and sent back. I was never a salesman before this job and this company expects you to know every little detail about this job with no formal training. I genuinely loathe how I make mistakes and my bosses turn red in the face from yelling instead of figuring out how to correct this from happening again. I really hate this economy and I feel trapped.

I hate my job and I hate my bosses. I've been applying to jobs for over a year and out of 70 applications, I got two interviews that I never got the job. I'm stuck in this job and I hate it. I'm a salesman and if my phone autocorrects something I sent to a customer and I don't catch it right away, I get screamed at. Even after sending an official quote that they signed and sent back. I was never a salesman before this job and this company expects you to know every little detail about this job with no formal training. I genuinely loathe how I make mistakes and my bosses turn red in the face from yelling instead of figuring out how to correct this from happening again. I really hate this economy and I feel trapped.

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