
I feel like Kroger Bait and switched me.

This is my first job so i'm not sure how common this is or if this is a known practice, but I applied for night stocking at Kroger. When you apply for jobs at Kroger you have to put a secondary position that you could also do. I put Bakery as a secondary position. But I got called in for an interview for the bakery position. And during the interview I asked, “what about the position I directly applied for.” and the interviewer was like “we don't have any openings for that position.” I'm kind of desperate since my loan payments are due soon and I couldn't find anything else, so I took it. The bakery job is 14 dollars per hour, while the night stocking is about 2-3 dollars more. But when I go into work, they have this booth set up for people to apply for…. night stocking.…

This is my first job so i'm not sure how common this is or if this is a known practice, but I applied for night stocking at Kroger. When you apply for jobs at Kroger you have to put a secondary position that you could also do. I put Bakery as a secondary position. But I got called in for an interview for the bakery position. And during the interview I asked, “what about the position I directly applied for.” and the interviewer was like “we don't have any openings for that position.” I'm kind of desperate since my loan payments are due soon and I couldn't find anything else, so I took it. The bakery job is 14 dollars per hour, while the night stocking is about 2-3 dollars more.

But when I go into work, they have this booth set up for people to apply for…. night stocking. The literal job I was told wasn't available. So, I'm wondering do they do this on purpose? They have a job appear to be available just to get people in the door so the company can put them somewhere else. Like a bait and switch. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

And this is only 1 of the issue I've had there. The tech in my store looks like it's from the late 90s and there are so many computers issues I've delt with its insane. There is some daily quiz employees are supposed to take that I still can't because of tech issues. I still haven't been able to clock in or out and I've had to write down my hours on paper.

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