
I feel like my job is poisoning my brain

I am struggling so hard with my job right now. I graduated college in 2022 and this is my first “real” job. I was hired at an entry level and I had an awesome mentor. Not even 6 months in and that mentor left to work somewhere else (can't blame him) and the company is so small that I basically replaced him and became senior level since no one else there does what I do. So no one can help me or take some of my work. I also didn't get any kind of raise or title change which I really should have because I did NOT sign up for this. My company frequently accepts projects with unrealistic short deadlines and has limited resources and lots of incompentent people. There are so many unwritten expectations my boss gets angry at me for and middle aged coworkers trying to offload their…

I am struggling so hard with my job right now. I graduated college in 2022 and this is my first “real” job. I was hired at an entry level and I had an awesome mentor. Not even 6 months in and that mentor left to work somewhere else (can't blame him) and the company is so small that I basically replaced him and became senior level since no one else there does what I do. So no one can help me or take some of my work. I also didn't get any kind of raise or title change which I really should have because I did NOT sign up for this.

My company frequently accepts projects with unrealistic short deadlines and has limited resources and lots of incompentent people. There are so many unwritten expectations my boss gets angry at me for and middle aged coworkers trying to offload their work on me for some reason it's ridiculous. I'm 7.5 months in and I feel so burnt out and stressed and I feel like I can't take one more day. I already have a barrage of mental health issues I'm trying to work on and my life is unstable for other reasons and this is too much. I have thought about asking to go part time but my parents are discouraging me. I'm probably going to ask anyways because this is affecting my health; I feel like I can't breathe all day, I can't eat, I can't relax when I'm off work, I'm exhausted, I'm drained, and I feel like I have no other options. If you made it this far, thanks for reading.

EDIT: I work in tech and I make 62k.

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