
I feel sick to my stomach.

INSANE RANT/VENT format is horrible im sorry. I fucking hate, that now matter what i say, no matter how i say it, my father simply does not understand… he has been working for the same company for 11 years now. A year ago he asked his boss if it was okay for me to work there as well, he said yes fast forward to present, now we arguing non stop about how much he wants to show me what he does (industrial machinist) And i tell him WANT to learn. But i simply do not want to work for these people. Recently (last week) they had a meeting with me because i asked for more hours, they told me there are no hours they can give me because there is not enough work to do(Big. Bold. Lie. This is also a family business) he procceded to tell me that even…

format is horrible im sorry.

I fucking hate, that now matter what i say, no matter how i say it, my father simply does not understand… he has been working for the same company for 11 years now. A year ago he asked his boss if it was okay for me to work there as well, he said yes fast forward to present, now we arguing non stop about how much he wants to show me what he does (industrial machinist)
And i tell him WANT to learn. But i simply do not want to work for these people. Recently (last week) they had a meeting with me because i asked for more hours, they told me there are no hours they can give me because there is not enough work to do(Big. Bold. Lie.
This is also a family business) he procceded to tell me that even if i master what he does they are not going to pay me what they pay my dad. I started to think my father used to paint the valves in a inclosed space with industrial paint and acetone. If anybody knows their stuff that SHIT will MURDER your braincells… he had siezures not to long after that……
He basically told me on top of my fathers job, which is:
Inspecting the valve.
And something called D/R

id also be:
Grinding pistons
Wash, paint, and box,

All for under 25$.
I keep telling my father that it is not right what so ever. They make it CLEAR they are making an absolute KILLING making money..
One of my bosses owns a 400,000 house…
The other can rent a 1million$ beach house on discount(still hundreds of thousands shoved in our face) for just 2-3 days in other words a weekend…………….

Im trying to tell him i do not want to work for those kinds of people.
Then he talks about the insurance they give
And all the benefits
A total of 8 people work at this company. Its small yes
For the time my dad has been there not a single person has been hired their. In all 11 years. not a single soul let that sink in.

Anyway i keep telling him “why would i want to dedicate the next 40 to 50 years of my life to people who dont care about their workers. Why. Would. I. Do. That.” Doing what he does and everything else in the body shop…. all for exteremely low pay.
No. I refuse.

Ge gets angry because not many people get the chance to work there
I understand that but these genuine horrible people. They got money. And alot of it. And the people that dedicate their lives to their company and they cant cough up any…
“This is how coperate works” yes i know.
Thing is i dont have to accept it.. i simply dont.
Anyway idk what to do. I feel like fucking dog trash.‍
Utter. Fucking. TRASH.

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