
I feel these may be red flags in a job but everybody says I’m overthinking stuff

I have been going through the hiring process for a senior role in a medium/big sized European company. The role would be remote with some traveling. There have been some things that are making me think it might not be that great and that I shouldn't accept. I have to admit that the pay is great. People in my life are enthusiastic about the money and I can't see things clearly – so Reddit is needed. Thanks to anyone who will take time to read and comment. My role is born because a team of top managers aren't happy with the work of the main office, thus my position will ultimately put someone else's (let's call him Manager 1) work in a negative light. I made it clear from the start that, for personal reasons, I travel and spend even months abroad. Although accepted during the interview process, in the…

I have been going through the hiring process for a senior role in a medium/big sized European company. The role would be remote with some traveling. There have been some things that are making me think it might not be that great and that I shouldn't accept. I have to admit that the pay is great. People in my life are enthusiastic about the money and I can't see things clearly – so Reddit is needed. Thanks to anyone who will take time to read and comment.

  1. My role is born because a team of top managers aren't happy with the work of the main office, thus my position will ultimately put someone else's (let's call him Manager 1) work in a negative light.
  2. I made it clear from the start that, for personal reasons, I travel and spend even months abroad. Although accepted during the interview process, in the job offer I found explicitly stated that I must exclusively work from my country of residence at all times. When questioned about this, they replied that “that's just what's written in the contract but we all know that it doesn't matter”. Similar answers were given for other points in the job offer that didn't match what we previously agreed.
  3. In the job offer, one point stated that the employee (me) would accept under any condition to be relocated to another branch, office or country if decided by the company at any point. When I asked about this, they babbled something and minimized my concerns.
  4. After 2 positive interviews, I had a last interview with a group of head managers including Manager 1, who absolutely roasted me for 2 hours to the point that, after the interview, the other managers apologized privately to me. Roasting included asking me if I would be available to work 60 hours with unpaid overtime – something that isn't even legal in my country.
  5. That same day, two of the head managers spoke very negatively behind the back of their colleague, in front of me – a stranger.
  6. I received an invitation to discuss my job offer, but anything I questioned about the proposal and any attempt at negotiation was deflected and taken as a personal offense. This, to the point that I was called on my private phone afterwards to ask if “I was okay” and that “they felt as if they had to justify themselves”.
  7. The role involves traveling abroad, which I'd be okay with. At the same time, I expected them to give me an estimate of the amount and frequency of traveling, to make it work with my private life. They failed to answer and, again, took the question as a personal offense and as lack of availability from my side.
  8. After having already received a job offer, and having gone through the whole hiring process with the managers, I received an unexpected e-mail from an HR manager asking me to undergo a “personality test due to the importance of the role”. This test came as a complete surprise and wasn't announced at any time during the previous 3 interviews and several exchanges of email, messages and phone calls. I completed the test, emailed back asking if this would affect my hiring process, to no reply.

Am I right to think all these are red flags or am I been paranoid and overthinking stuff?

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