
I feel trapped & defeated by our capitalist society

A few months ago I got really sick, like life threatening sick. For some reason that event just made my whole reality come crashing, realized my life so far at the age of 27 is a failure, everyone else praises me for my great career and salary but I’m living for them. I just thought to myself if this was my last day and I was to look back on my life so far I’d really only feel regret that I’m waking up every morning to do something I hate, living a lifestyle truly disconnected from reality, no amount of money in my savings will ever bring me joy. A week after getting sick my boss gave me a bonus and raise, and I couldn’t even come to be excited or even thankful about it. Nothing. If anything it almost made me fall apart. Made me feel like I was…

A few months ago I got really sick, like life threatening sick. For some reason that event just made my whole reality come crashing, realized my life so far at the age of 27 is a failure, everyone else praises me for my great career and salary but I’m living for them. I just thought to myself if this was my last day and I was to look back on my life so far I’d really only feel regret that I’m waking up every morning to do something I hate, living a lifestyle truly disconnected from reality, no amount of money in my savings will ever bring me joy. A week after getting sick my boss gave me a bonus and raise, and I couldn’t even come to be excited or even thankful about it. Nothing. If anything it almost made me fall apart. Made me feel like I was being paid to stay stuck in this system.

In any case I come to this epiphany that I want to live my life differently, start trying to change career and etc. Long story short the only jobs that wanted me were all finance jobs, no matter how many certifications and trainings I got to change career I kept getting financial positions offers.
Here I am, a few months later, ready to bend over for a system that doesn’t want my happiness, going back towards finance as I do need to pay my bills and seems I’m just stuck to do that for the rest of my miserable and short life.

Society is a bitch.

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