
I felt trapped to say yes to part time

So basically what happened today, they needed someone to go part time and picked me. They were only going to give me 21 hours per a fortnight. I said I’ll think about it (they said that I only had a day to think about), as it is extremely less than my casual hours I get (around 36-38 a fortnight). They also knew I was trying to find another job. So the manager tried to tell the regional manager that I wasn’t fond of the hours given. Plus, that means I would be getting paid less (at the moment it’s $1200AUD a fortnight) and with this new arrangement it’s $800-ish AUD a fortnight. Quite a lot less in this economy). Then the regional manager calls me, and basically said along the lines that if I don’t take it, he’ll give it to someone less and I’ll be getting less shifts as…

So basically what happened today, they needed someone to go part time and picked me. They were only going to give me 21 hours per a fortnight.

I said I’ll think about it (they said that I only had a day to think about), as it is extremely less than my casual hours I get (around 36-38 a fortnight). They also knew I was trying to find another job.

So the manager tried to tell the regional manager that I wasn’t fond of the hours given. Plus, that means I would be getting paid less (at the moment it’s $1200AUD a fortnight) and with this new arrangement it’s $800-ish AUD a fortnight. Quite a lot less in this economy).

Then the regional manager calls me, and basically said along the lines that if I don’t take it, he’ll give it to someone less and I’ll be getting less shifts as I’ll be a casual and only had 30 minutes to decide. So I said yes and now the hours will be 31 a fortnight. And I said yea because I’m struggling to find a better job. So now I’ll have to find another part time job to make more money. I do have an interview with another job that if I get will be paying me $33-$35 an hour compared to $22 an hour here.

Any interview tips would be appreciated. Thank you!

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