
I finally believe that there are good managers out there.

Because after 15 years of working, I finally have one. I've been in my current job for 2 months and while there are certainly negatives, the manager isn't one of them. Here are just a few things I've witnessed in my short time there: We were unexpectedly short staffed on a busy day and instead of ringing around and looking for cover, he simply sent a message to the work group chat saying “where do you need me?” And filled in for the people who were missing himself. His contracted hours are 10-4, 4 days a week but he is there 0830-1730 5 days a week, the same as the rest of us. He doesn't control our hourly rate, but he does control our overtime and every month, he lies in our favour so that we all get paid more. For example, last month I did 3 hours of overtime…

Because after 15 years of working, I finally have one.

I've been in my current job for 2 months and while there are certainly negatives, the manager isn't one of them. Here are just a few things I've witnessed in my short time there:

  1. We were unexpectedly short staffed on a busy day and instead of ringing around and looking for cover, he simply sent a message to the work group chat saying “where do you need me?” And filled in for the people who were missing himself.

  2. His contracted hours are 10-4, 4 days a week but he is there 0830-1730 5 days a week, the same as the rest of us.

  3. He doesn't control our hourly rate, but he does control our overtime and every month, he lies in our favour so that we all get paid more. For example, last month I did 3 hours of overtime and I was paid for 10.

  4. I'm moving house next week. He's offered me the work van so I don't have to pay to hire one, an extra paid day off to pack and said if I need help unpacking, to just call him.

  5. We lost power for a day while National Grid did some work at the park and he paid out of pocket for every guest and every member of staff to have a hot breakfast from the pub down the road. And he absolutely cannot claim that back.

  6. This may seem really small but damn, I didn't realise how much it mattered until I started working there. He thanks everyone at the end of every shift and it always feels sincere.

If it was possible, I wouldn't work because I really REALLY hate working, but this is about as good as it gets. Just wanted to share this. There is hope.

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