
I finally figured it all out!

Recently I have noticed that I am not ambitious as I once was. I then realized the reason why? I made it. My entire life i wanted a loving family with a home. I have my lovely wife and daughter. We bought a home 3 years ago. I have everything i always wanted. Could i buy a bigger house or fancy cars, I could but that would just be me trying to impress strangers. My wife and I both work and together make about 100,000 a year. i have managed to save around 30,000 that i had to on a monthly basis. I finally figured it out that once we achieve our basic dreams there is this voice in our head telling us we need just a little more. Do we? I could drive a mercedes, i could afford one and my credit is 760, but my cheap little subcompact…

Recently I have noticed that I am not ambitious as I once was. I then realized the reason why? I made it. My entire life i wanted a loving family with a home. I have my lovely wife and daughter. We bought a home 3 years ago. I have everything i always wanted. Could i buy a bigger house or fancy cars, I could but that would just be me trying to impress strangers. My wife and I both work and together make about 100,000 a year. i have managed to save around 30,000 that i had to on a monthly basis. I finally figured it out that once we achieve our basic dreams there is this voice in our head telling us we need just a little more. Do we? I could drive a mercedes, i could afford one and my credit is 760, but my cheap little subcompact car is paid for and runs great! i could live in a 5,000 sq ft house, but my 2000 sq ft house is plenty big for just the three of us and the dog. I just turned 50 and I finally understand that i made it. Am I rich, well according to the media I am poor, but we are all fed and the bills are paid. Do i need gold, diamonds, more tvs, leather, marble, fame, name brands? What am I chasing? I finally made it, I live at the peak of Late Stage Capitalism and i won. I don't have a lambo, i am not a crypto bro, I am not an Elon Muskateer. I have been alive for 50 years through both Republican and Democratic presidencies and the reason I am where i am is because of me. I am the richest man in the world because when I look around trying to figure out what i need next, I can't think of anything. I won. From here on out all the rest is just showing off!

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